Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The flood and therefore the floor removal

We had a huge storm last week and the living room flooded! You could stand in the middle of the room and watch the water come through the bamboo flooring. Now we already knew that we wanted to replace the flooring, but not so soon. We were very thankful that the tree in the front yard remained standing, many trees around the city went down, it was one on those storms that had me wondering if I should gather the children and hunker down somewhere; the wind was blowing so hard, rain like crazy and hail, it was crazy. So we spent Saturday pulling up the floor. Oh, and notice that whoever put the flooring down in the first place was not so smart, they glued the bamboo onto the concrete, it was a pain to remove.


Jennifer Gill said...


I cannot believe this - what a rotton thing to happen. Are you going to put in carpet? Barb mentioned something about leaving the concrete?

Beth Twist said...

So sorry, but glad for you too? I had heard about the flooding, and wondered if you were impacted. I hope you get to enjoy your new floor soon... Post photos, K?

We recently "had" to upgrade to a new computer when lightning fried our modem. We had been planning to do it, but not for a year or two. After getting over the sticker shock, I am truly enjoying my new computer!